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Go on and get those thoughts out! The Benefits of Journaling

Do you journal? We would highly recommend you get a notebook and start jotting down those awesome thoughts of yours. Have you ever been filled with so much emotions and thoughts and even after venting to a friend you still feel like you are about to explode? Writing down your feelings can be a way to express yourself and release whatever it is you need to in order to move forward.

Regular journaling can be daunting and it can be difficult to know where to start.

Here are some ways you can start your journaling journey.

1. Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for

A gratitude journal is a way that you can be reminded of just how much you have to be grateful for, even in seasons that are more challenging than others

The more we are grateful the more we attract more to b grateful for

ese five things down. It will show you just how much you have in your life and allow you to go back and reflect on your feelings from that day.

The next day you may want to write down five things you want to accomplish or gain by the end of the week, month, year. Whatever! Its your journal, make it as personalized as you. It is in turn going to help you. So whatever you’re feeling I would write it down. It is so often that words just come pouring out and you look back to a page filled with thoughts and emotions you never were able to express through a conversation. Its amazing to look back over time as well. You will start to be able to see how your journey has evolved. Those aspirations will have become realities and this documentation will be something you will forever cherish.

I personally love going to the store and buying cute journals. It’s a weakness of mine. I know I have a few at home with tons of blank pages, but I just cant resist when I see a new one that I want to start using. When you are inspired to write with anything from fun and colorful pens to the perfect page and line size, you will be even more driven to journal frequently.

Some journals even have questions and prompts that are prewritten for you. This guide can be helpful.

If you journal or have any further tips I would love to read your comments. If you are starting to journal let me know as well! I would be so interested to hear about your process and how its hopefully been a great addition to your life. Until next time, I am wishing you peace and prosperity.

Benefits of Journaling

  1. Obtain clarity

When you put your thoughts on paper you are able to. Your thoughts are a reflection of what is going on inside of our bodies. You may not even realize on conscous levels.

1. Gain Clarity

Writing is a reflection of your thoughts just as a mirror is a reflection of your body. Journaling offers you a glimpse into your working mind like no other method can.

You get to know the real you — what makes you happy/sad, what you like/dislike, what you fear and where you find peace. In other words, you gain a heightened self-awareness of everything about yourself.

As a consequence, you find out what you need to do to get more of what you want and less of what you don't want.

2. Build Empathy

When you start to look at things objectively, you can better understand other points of view. One way to achieve this in your writing is to have an imagined dialogue with another person. For instance, how would this other person respond to a question about having hurt you?

When you're open to other perspectives, you blame others less for your problems which help make you a happier person.

3. Feel Calmer

Have you ever written an angry letter or email to someone but never sent it? How did you feel afterward? Did you feel better even though he/she never read what you had to say?

Journaling is a bit like that. Writing about your emotions helps release them so you feel lighter, calmer and less stressed. And you never have to hold back since it's only for your eyes to see.

Letting go of intense feelings through writing helps prevent them from getting stuck in a mental loop, causing you unnecessary suffering.

4. Solve Problems

Much of the time, we use our analytical left-brains to solve problems but that doesn't always resolve the issue. Sometimes the only way we can arrive at the answer is by tapping into our creative, intuitive and emotional right-brain which is precisely what journaling accomplishes. Having a different perspective can unlock creative solutions you might never have thought of before!

5. Increase Creativity

The creative component in journaling can also spill into other areas of your life like music, painting and sculpting. Once you get rolling, your muse takes over! And like journaling, you can try out new ideas without fear of judgment.

6. Boost Cognition

All of us have experienced great times of joy and sadness in our lives. Journaling can help recall our pleasant moments while improving memory and comprehension. Just the act of organizing our thoughts and presenting them clearly on paper boosts cognition. But what about not wanting to remember the bad stuff? Read on...

7. Track Patterns

Many doctors advise their patients to track physical symptoms to gauge their progress (or lack thereof). Similarly, journaling serves as a kind of "mental tracker."

When you start to write, you may find yourself covering the same territory over and over again, which you only realize when looking back on earlier entries.

These could be negative thoughts and behaviors you've identified or certain people/events that trigger you. By zeroing in on the problem, you have an opportunity to make positive changes which journaling makes

I’ll bet you write (or word process) daily. If you are like most women, you record only what you must. In an effort to change your mind and your habits, I’ll let you in on a well-kept secret: A pen coupled with paper can serve as a powerful life tool.

Journaling (or keeping letters or diaries) is an ancient tradition, one that dates back to at least 10th century Japan. Successful people throughout history have kept journals. Presidents have maintained them for posterity; other famous figures for their own purposes. Oscar Wilde, 19th century playwright, said: “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.”

Whether you suffer from an eating disorder, bipolar disorder, ADD (or ADHD), depression, or even schizophrenia, journaling may be of benefit to you. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. (Although some people use apps nowadays, you’re likely to write less lengthy entries on your smartphone.)

§ Clarify your thoughts and feelings.

Do you ever seem all jumbled up inside, unsure of what you want or feel? Taking a few minutes to jot down your thoughts and emotions (no editing!) will quickly get you in touch with your internal world.

§ Know yourself better.

By writing routinely you will get to know what makes you feel happy and confident. You will also become clear about situations and people who are toxic for you — important information for your emotional well-being.

§ Reduce stress.

Writing about anger, sadness and other painful emotions helps to release the intensity of these feelings. By doing so you will feel calmer and better able to stay in the present.

§ Solve problems more effectively.

Typically we problem solve from a left-brained, analytical perspective. But sometimes the answer can only be found by engaging right-brained creativity and intuition. Writing unlocks these other capabilities, and affords the opportunity for unexpected solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.

§ Resolve disagreements with others.

Writing about misunderstandings rather than stewing over them will help you to understand another’s point of view. And you just may come up with a sensible resolution to the conflict.

In addition to all of these wonderful benefits, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends and improvement and growth over time. When current circumstances appear insurmountable, you will be able to look back on previous dilemmas that you have since resolved.

Health Benefits

How To Begin Journaling

Your journaling will be most effective if you do it daily for about 20 minutes. Begin anywhere, and forget spelling and punctuation. Privacy is key if you are to write without censor. Write quickly, as this frees your brain from “should” and other blocks to successful journaling. If it helps, pick a theme for the day, week or month (for example, peace of mind, confusion, change or anger). The most important rule of all is that there are no rules.

Through your writing you’ll discover that your journal is an all-accepting, nonjudgmental friend. And she may provide the cheapest therapy you will ever get. Best of luck on your journaling journey!

Journaling offers a wide range of benefits, both for mental and emotional well-being, as well as personal development. Here are some of the key advantages of journaling:

  1. Emotional Release: Journaling provides a safe and private space to express your thoughts and emotions. Writing down your feelings can help you process and release pent-up emotions, reducing stress and anxiety.

  2. Self-Reflection: Journaling encourages self-reflection. By writing about your experiences and thoughts, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your goals.

  3. Problem Solving: Journaling can help you analyze problems and brainstorm solutions. When you write about your challenges, you often see them from a different perspective, which can lead to insights and solutions.

  4. Goal Setting and Achievement: Keeping a journal allows you to set and track your goals. Writing down your goals makes them more concrete and increases your commitment to achieving them.

  5. Improved Writing Skills: Regular journaling can improve your writing skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and clarity of expression.

  6. Enhanced Creativity: Writing in a journal can stimulate creativity. You can use your journal to jot down ideas, doodle, or explore creative writing.

  7. Stress Reduction: Journaling has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The act of writing can be therapeutic, and it helps you gain perspective on stressful situations.

  8. Increased Self-Awareness: As you chronicle your experiences and thoughts, you become more aware of patterns in your behavior and thought processes. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth.

  9. Improved Communication: Journaling can help you organize your thoughts and improve your ability to communicate effectively, both in writing and in conversation.

  10. Memory Enhancement: Keeping a journal can serve as a record of your life events and experiences. It can help you remember important details and moments that might otherwise fade from memory.

  11. Time Management: Journaling can be used to plan your day, set priorities, and track your time. This can enhance your time management skills and productivity.

  12. Gratitude and Positivity: Many people use journals to write down things they're grateful for or to focus on positive aspects of their lives. This can foster a more optimistic outlook and increase feelings of happiness.

  13. Self-Care: Taking time for journaling can be a form of self-care and self-love. It's a way to prioritize your own well-being and mental health.

  14. Personal Growth: Over time, journaling can help you track your personal growth and development. You can look back on past entries to see how far you've come and identify areas for improvement.

  15. Catharsis: For some people, writing in a journal can be a cathartic experience. It allows them to release emotions, regrets, or grievances in a healthy way.

  16. Accountability: You can use your journal to hold yourself accountable for your actions, goals, and commitments.

Overall, journaling is a versatile tool that can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life, promoting self-awareness, mental health, and personal growth. It's a simple practice that can be tailored to suit your needs and preferences.

Final thoughts:

There is just something that is so cathartic about writing down your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations on paper that can aid in healing processes or just transforming thoughts into

Stay sound, and write it down

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