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Superfood Drinks

When you want the taste of coco with the benefits of superfoods.

Drinking water and tea are obvious stables when it comes to a healthy die. But there are times that we are craving something yummy and diffferent am I right? The following recioe is ne that I'm sure others have made as well, but that I just randomly made over the time and have tweaked ked it to be somehtig I truly consider a treat, and a healthy one at that!

You'll need three ingredients.

1 mug (12 oz.) almond milk (or other non-diary substitute like soy, coconut, or hemp milk)

1 heaping tsp. maca powder

1 heaping tsp. raw cacao powder

¼ tsp. pure vanilla extract

Stevia or agave nectar to taste

1 pinch cinnamon (for garnish)

Cacao nibs or shredded chocolate chips (for topping)


Add dry ingredients (maca powder and cacao powder) to a mug.

In a small saucer, warm almond milk at medium heat. Watch the milk closely to make sure it doesn’t boil (this can make almond milk taste kind of burnt). Stir in liquid ingredients (vanilla extract and stevia/agave). When the milk is steaming, remove from heat and pour over dry ingredients in a mug. Stir well and enjoy!

Maca can have a rather 'earthy' taste and if to much is added it can be overbearing in any beverage that you add it to. With this, whatever amount of this drink that you are preparing, I would mkae sure that the cocoa poder is made at twice the amount of Maca poder so that the beverage taste more like a hot chocolate substsiute.

this recipe is a blend of three of some of the greatest superfoods there are, and is super delicious as well!

Coco vs. Cacoa Powder

Benefits of cacoa powder

What is Maca?

Maca is

Benefits of Maca


What is Tumeric?

Benefits of Tumeric

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