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How Much Water Should you Drink Daily and why is it so important?

Updated: Sep 28

Why is drinking enough water so crucial?

Every day our bodies lose water through the simplest functions such as breathing, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. And since we need our bodies to function properly, it is important that we replenish this water that is loss.

When your body experiences dehydration you may see it manifest physically and mentally. Dehydration can cause issues in concentration, constipation, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, low blood pressure, and breathing, and weight gain. These effects that can be caused by dehydration can often be combated by the endless benefits of consuming the needed amount of water everyday.

Benefits of drinking water:

Beautiful hydrated skin

Flushes out toxins from your body

Staying alert and avoid fatigue

Aids weight loss

Prevent and relieve headaches

Prevents and relieves menstrual and body cramps

Maintains body regularity

Boosts Immune System

How much water do we need?

The amount of water a person needs to drink each day can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, climate, and overall health. However, a common recommendation is to aim for about 8 glasses of water per day, which is roughly equivalent to 2 liters or half a gallon. This recommendation is often referred to as the "8x8 rule", eight 8-ounce glasses per day.

This is the average amount a person should consume when they are not participating in strenuous activity. When anything is done that expels more energy than usual, such as exercising or working outdoors, additional water should be consumed throughout the day. Making sure you are consuming more water also correlates with your diet. If someone is in-taking a large amount of salt one day, it would be beneficial to drink more water than usual, since salt can dehydrate the body. Individual water needs can ultimately vary. Some people may need more water, especially if they are physically active, live in hot climates, or have certain health conditions that increase fluid requirements. On the other hand, others may need less water if they have certain medical conditions or if their diet includes a lot of hydrating foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

It's also important to remember that water intake can come from a variety of sources, including plain water, other beverages like herbal tea and milk, and water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. So, while aiming for about 8 glasses of water per day is a good guideline, it's also important to listen to your body's cues and adjust your fluid intake accordingly.

Another, common recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces of water daily. This guideline helps ensure you’re getting enough fluids to support your body’s functions, from regulating temperature to lubricating joints and aiding digestion.

Listen to Your Body

While the half-body-weight-in-ounces rule is a great starting point, it's important to listen to your body. Factors like physical activity, climate, and overall health can affect your hydration needs. Thirst, dry mouth, and dark urine are signs that you might need to drink more water.

Ways to tell if you are hydrated:

One way to gauge whether you're drinking enough water is to pay attention to your body's thirst signals and the color of your urine. If you're thirsty or if your urine is pale yellow, you're likely drinking enough water. However, if you're feeling thirsty and your urine is dark yellow, it may be a sign that you need to drink more water.

But How do You Make Consuming Water Easier?

We have constantly heard that our bodies are mostly made of water, and how important it is that we consume plenty of it. Even though we know how important this is, it can be difficult to follow a consistent routine that allows the appropriate amount of water intake. Here are some ways you can increase the amount of water you consume daily:

1. Drink a glass after waking up and while getting ready for your day

Instead of that morning cup of Joe, or maybe just before, make an effort to drink at least a glass of water to get your system running. A hot cup of water is even better. Being asleep for hours at night, your body is in need of the hydration, just as if you were awake during the day. This early start also gets your metabolism going , helps your body flush out toxins, and can also prevent you from overeating throughout the day. Adding lemon or apple cider vinegar to this first glass in the morning can greatly help with weight loss, especially in the midsection, a problem area for many.

Detox water is infused water that helps flush your system of toxins and improves your health. Many people love this infusion of water because it adds some flavor to their necessary water intake. By allowing the water to sit with the whole fruit slices in the fridge, fruits such as lemons and limes truly allow their nutrients to infuse the water.

2. Drink water in-between snacks and meals

Between major meals some of us like to snack. Even if they are healthy snacks like carrots and hummus in comparison to something like chips, water consumption can still help you kick the habit of mindless eating, all while staying hydrated.

3. Drinking tea at night before bed while winding down.

Naturally decaffeinated tea such as chamomile and other herbal teas can not only add to your daily water intake, but they can help you relax and fall asleep; allowing you to be hydrated and get the proper rest that your body needs.

4. Carry around a water bottle

First things first, carrying around a water bottle is extremely economical. Sure you can order water if you go out to eat, but let’s face it, it can be a hit or miss with taste when it comes to the water that is provided. Not all tap water is delightful to drink. Although restaurants and most places will give you a free cup of water, if you want a bottle you will have to purchase it.

Bringing your own water bottle in your purse or backpack, leaving one in the car, or just having it in hand will ensure that you are prepared at anytime and any place to stay hydrated and quench your thirst. And you'll be saving the planet as well; one sip at a time.

5. Invest in a good quality and appealing water bottle

I find that when I have something cute and aesthetically pleasing, I am more inclined to use it and have it around. I think the same idea is applied to a water bottle. Having one that fits your style, and space makes it easier to bring along with you. Some brands may be all the rave at a certain time, like Stanley's right now, but there are so many affordable options out there, and some free ones you may have laying around from random fairs/giveaways. Being prepared to fill up your bottle while you're at the gym or a nearby water fountain, you never have to worry about buying plastic water bottles, in turn helping the environment and your pockets.

Filter Water bottles:

Filter water bottles have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and health benefits. These bottles are designed with built-in filtration systems that remove impurities, bacteria, and chemicals from tap or natural water sources, providing clean and safe drinking water on the go. This makes them an excellent choice for people who are always on the move, whether commuting, hiking, or traveling. Besides improving the taste and safety of water, filter water bottles are also environmentally friendly. They reduce the need for single-use plastic bottles, helping to decrease plastic waste and lower your carbon footprint. Additionally, they can be cost-effective in the long run, saving you money that would otherwise be spent on bottled water. With various designs and filtration technologies available, there’s a filter water bottle to suit every lifestyle and preference, making it easier than ever to stay hydrated and healthy.

6. Set drinking goals

Set time periods throughout the day to drink a certain amount of water. There are clever ways to do this, like marking actual times on your water bottle, or buying ones that already have this system designed on it. Or setting a goal of finishing a liter by a specific time during the day. Knowing how much a water bottle holds can give you perspective of how many of those filled water bottle/canteens that you strive to finish before you hit the sack at night.

7. Drink instead of mindlessly snacking

Whenever you have that urge to unnecessarily snack (guilty as charged over here) instead drink water. A method that has been proven to be effective is to drink a sip of water in between each number when counting to 100. This is thought to kick that urge to grab a snack when you’re actually not really hungry, but are mindlessly eating as we often do in times of boredom or stress.

8. Replace Juice and Soda with carbonated/Infused water

Some of us just enjoy the idea of drinking something sweet and delicious. Our first thought would probably be something like lemonade or a soda. Being someone who does not drink juice or soda during my day to day, drinking something like a sparkling beverage truly tastes like a treat, all while adding to my daily water consumption. It’s a win win!

Coconut water

Being active is an important aspect of wellness. Replenishing your electrolytes after completing active forms of exercise is also important. The electrolytes our body needs are often replenished by sugary sports drinks that we are used to, but they can actually be replaced by coconut water. Coconut water is a great alternative to some sports drinks because it is high in potassium, which is great for electrolyte replacement.

9. Download an App

Some people are just tech savvy and like to have everything on their phones rather than in something like a notebook. Whether it is their calendar or alarm clocks, the applications on phones can be super reliable and convenient. So why not add an app that can also help you with drinking more water. There are three completely free apps that are highly recommended.

1. Daily Water

Daily Water is designed to help you set drinking water goals and track the volume of water they are drinking on a daily basis. The app allows for schedule reminders and offers a basic statistical analysis of the amount of what you have consumed over the course of a day, week or month. Download the app here.

2. iDrated

iDrated can monitor how hydrated your body is at any given moment, keep track of the last time you had a drink of water, and tell you when you are due to drink again. Learn more and download here  

3. Waterlogged

Waterlogged allows you to set reminders for yourself at scheduled or random intervals to get something to drink and keeps track of how well you are meeting your daily water drinking goals. Learn more about the app and download the app here .

10. Challenge with family/friends:

When you make something a competition, it can be inevitably more motivating and enjoyable. After following this challenge of consuming more water everyday, maybe it will become a habit that becomes apart of your routine. Get others in your life to download the apps as well or simply motivate each other, seeing who can stay committed to drinking a set amount of water. Having accountability partners in life can truly make all the difference. When it comes to health it is especially true!

Final Thoughts

Staying hydrated is one of the simplest yet most impactful ways to maintain your health. By making small changes and being mindful of your water intake, you can easily meet your hydration goals and feel your best every day. So grab that water bottle and start sipping your way to better health!

How much water do you try to drink a day? Do you find it to be easy to do? Leave your thoughts down in the comments!

Stay Hydrated my Friends  

Wishing you peace, prosperity, and hydration

Disclaimer: The information that is provided on Its all Wellative is solely serving an educational purpose, and is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult a licensed medical professional before altering your diet and/or lifestyle in anyway.

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