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Celery Juice in the AM

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Celery contains high levels of vitamin K and good amounts of vitamin A, vitamins B-2 and B-6, and vitamin C. Celery is also a good source of the following nutrients:

The celery plant and its seeds both contain chemicals that nutritionists call phytonutrients. These chemicals have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Celery is also low in calories and sugar, making it a popular choice for a quick and healthful snack.

Health benefits of celery Despite recent claims, few studies have investigated whether drinking celery juice improves people’s health. Instead, most research has examined the health benefits that experts associate with consuming specific nutrients that celery and its seeds contain. Notably, celery contains two beneficial antioxidants. Scientists call these two compounds apigenin and luteolin. Research shows that apigenin and luteolin reduce inflammation and may help treat a range of inflammatory diseases. The apigenin and luteolin in celery may also ease the following conditions: Inflammation and allergies Share on PinterestCelery contains luteolin, which may help reduce inflammation for people with allergic asthma. Allergic asthma and rhinitis are inflammatory diseases affecting the upper and lower airway. A 2017 study investigated whether luteolin could reduce inflammation and lower allergic responses in mice with these conditions. Results showed that giving the mice luteolin 30 minutes before exposing them to an allergen significantly reduced the levels of inflammation within their lungs and nasal passages. However, scientists still need to do further studies to confirm whether luteolin has similar anti-allergy effects in humans. Arthritis A 2017 study investigated whether apigenin could

The jury on celery juice is out and it seems like the belief in its endless health benefits are pretty split, and since since there are no present research based evidence to .

Celebrity chef and New York Times best-selling author Devin Alexander agrees.

“It is a trend, and it’s healthy, but it’s not a miracle cure and there is no scientific fact that it is overall better than juicing other vegetables,” Alexander told Healthline.

Celery juice contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, electrolytes, water and smaller amounts of other vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice

The best time to drink celery juice is in the morning on an empty stomach before you consume anything else other than water or lemon water (wait at least fifteen minutes after the lemon before having your celery juice. Celery juice is a medicinal, not a caloric drink, so you’ll still need breakfast afterward to power you through the morning. Simply wait at least fifteen minutes after drinking your celery juice before consuming anything else

1. Heals The Gut 

Celery contains special nutrients in its fibers which are realized when the vegetable is juiced. These nutrients promote optimal functioning of the digestive tract by acting as a natural laxative and relaxing the nerves that have been damaged by unhealthy lifestyle and food choices. 

Celery juice is soothing and cooling to the digestive tract, which aids any inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This is perfect for anyone with IBS, Crohn’s, colon cancer, etc. 

The exceptionally high percentage of natural sodium in celery can really help you absorb and utilize the rest of the food you consume throughout the day. The enzymes in celery work to raise the hydrochloric acid in the stomach so that food digests easily and doesn’t ferment. 

Anthony Williams AKA Medical Medium states that celery is one of the best ways to alkalize the gut. The powerful varieties of sodium work together to eliminate toxins from every inch of your body, including your gut, helping to heal and regenerate your stomach lining. He states that drinking half a liter of fresh celery juice every morning on an empty stomach can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week. 

2. Strengthens The Bones 

Have you ever noticed that celery actually looks like bones? The Doctrine of Signaturesconveys that the way a plant appears shows what part of the body it is particularly beneficial for. Is it coincidental that bones are 23% sodium and celery is also 23% sodium? I don’t think so! 

Celery is very high in calcium and silicon which help to regenerate and strengthen damaged bones. Celery is also high in Vitamin K which plays an important role in bone metabolism and protection against osteoporosis. 

The pioneer of vegetable juicing, Dr. Norman Walker, stated that calcium must be consumed organically and through vitally organic atoms. When food containing calcium is cooked or processed the calcium is automatically converted into inorganic atoms. This means they are not soluble in water and they cannot furnish the cells in our body with the nourishment they require for regeneration. So juicing fresh, raw celery is a perfect way to reap the bone-strengthening benefits. 

A lack of natural sodium in your diet causes your body to pull it from your bones, making them weak and brittle over time. Nature has cleverly provided celery to help humans strengthen and replenish their body’s skeletal system. 

3. Purifies The Blood Stream

Celery contains a particular compound called coumarins which promotes the activity of white blood cells and assists the vascular system. This helps the bloodflow, reduces blood pressure and purifies the bloodstream. 

Many diseases of the nervous and blood systems are due to the inorganic elements and salts taken in by the body in the form of dead processed products. The sodium in celery also maintains the fluidity of the blood and lymphand prevents them from becoming too thick. Celery is rich in Vitamin A, C, iron, and magnesium. This combination helps to nourish and rebuild red blood cells and aids those suffering from rheumatism, high blood pressure, arthritis, and anemia. 

4. Highly Detoxifying

This magical juice is extremely hydrating and alkaline, making it effective for balancing the body’s pH level and neutralizing any acidity in the body. This, in turn, helps protect healthy cells and balance essential mineral levels, lowering the risk of heart disease, protecting bone density, reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and helping to maintain a healthy weight. 

The combination of sodium and potassium makes it a natural diuretic. It regulates the fluid in the body and promotes urine production. This makes celery incredibly good for flushing toxins out of the body while also enhancing weight loss. It has the ability to remove calcium deposits from joints and eliminate them safely through the kidneys. 

Drinking celery juice by itself, compared to mixing it with other ingredients, simplifies digestion and elimination, helping the body to cleanse, detoxify and restore. 

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Two special compounds in celery, polyacetylene and luteolin, make celery an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.

Luteolin is a potent bioflavonoid that has been shown to inhibit the effects of certain enzymes which activate genes responsible for inflammatory response. A study done by the Journal of Nutrition showed that brain cells exposed to this plant flavonoid showed a massive lowered inflammatory response. Luteolin shuts down the production of a key cytokine in the inflammatory pathway by a huge 90 percent! 

Luteolin is a strong antioxidant helping to fight free radical damage and reduce oxidative DNA damage related to inflammation. Polyacetylene is also considered one of the best defenders against inflammation, working to lower levels of inflammatory tissues in the body. 

Therefore, drinking celery juice can reduce symptoms associated with arthritis, osteoarthritis, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, gout and more. 

According to Medical News Today Notably, celery contains two beneficial antioxidants. Scientists call these two compounds apigenin and luteolin.

Research shows that apigenin and luteolin reduce inflammation and may help treat a range of inflammatory diseases.

The apigenin and luteolin in celery may also ease the following conditions:Inflammation and allergies Arthritis

One of the biggest benefits of drinking celery juice regularly is that this is a natural and safe way to lower your cholesterol. Celery juice helps to reduce the bad cholesterol in your bloodstream while also boosting the good cholesterol. In other words, this simple glass of vegetable juice can take the place of an expensive and potentially dangerous cholesterol drug.

Celery juice has been proven to be very effective at reducing and controlling blood pressure, reducing symptoms associated with various digestive problems, and helping to prevent gallstones and kidney stones. Finally, because celery is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, it can help to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, osteoarthritis, gout, respiratory problems, and skin problems as well.

When you take into consideration that raw celery juice contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory ingredients, and the ability to help balance acid levels throughout the body, it actually makes a very powerful argument for being the perfect beverage for someone who suffers from chronic acne or other skin conditions.



One reason whole fruits and vegetables are recommended over their juice counterparts is that the whole foods contain fiber. Dietary fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive tract and prevents problems such as constipation, diverticulosis and hemorrhoids. Eating plenty of fiber also helps you feel full. Fiber is generally filtered out during the juicing process, so you're missing this key nutrient when you drink celery juice.

The Juicing Process

You will need approximately two bunches of celery to make the following recipe for celery juice, using a juicer:

cut the base and ends off the celeryrinse the celery in a colanderfeed the celery through the juicerserve the juice immediatelystore any leftover juice in a sealed jar in the fridge

If making celery juice in a blender, chop the celery into 1-inch pieces, and add one-half of a cup of water or fresh fruit juice to the blender. Blend for a minute before straining the juice through a sieve.

Ready-made celery juice is also available to buy online and in health food stores

Storage and Timing

Homemade juices have an added advantage over store bought juices as they are freshly squeezed and do not contain any added preservatives, sugar or artificial nutrients.Store Bought Juices:

The nutritional value of a pack of canned or packaged juice is listed on the back of the pack. Packaged juices generally have added preservatives to make them last longer.They also have added sugar and artificial flavors, the added sugar can add up to your body weight whereas the preservatives and artificial flavors reduce the nutritional content of the juice.Although some companies also add, artificial nutrients to the juice but those nutrients are not as good as the original ones.

Homemade Juices:

Homemade juices are packed with nutrients as they are filled with the nutrients present in the fruit.They do not contain any artificial flavors or nutrients and hence retain their original nutrient content.In addition, the lack of added sugar makes homemade juices healthier as they do not contribute to weight gain.

The whole process involves one-step that decreases the nutritional value of juice drastically. The juice extracted from the pulp of the fruit is left to stand in containers. This process oxidizes the juice thereby reducing the nutrients present in it.Therefore, even after the addition of artificial nutrients, store bought juices remain deficient in nutrients.

Are you a fan of celery juice? Hw, so let your business’ personality shine through. Are you a creative agency? Go wild with original blog posts about recent projects, cool inspirational . his way you can be sure of the freshest juice with the highest level of nutrients. Also, take a look at what kind of juicer is being used

Do's and DO not's

1. DO wash the celery prior to juicing


3. DO

Final Thoughts

Few studies have investigated the health effects of celery juice. However, celery does contain many essential nutrients that scientists believe are beneficial for people's health.

Most research has concentrated on investigating the effects of some of the nutrients and antioxidants that the plant and its seeds contain. Scientists believe that these chemicals are beneficial in treating several health conditions.

People who are allergic or sensitive to celery should avoid eating this plant. Those who are trying to reduce their sodium consumption should be mindful of total intake for the day from all foods, including celery. However, eating celery should not cause problems for most people.

(CNN)It sounds simple enough: juice a bunch of celery, drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and wait for the health benefits to roll in.

A search for #CeleryJuice on Instagram returns over 35,000 posts, not including all the variations on the hashtag. Some social media users say that drinking celery juice has cured them of mental health problems and infertility. Others credit it with healing eczema that nothing else could cure. One website even claims that it can prevent cancer. Stories touting its "potent healing properties" have appeared on Gwyneth Paltrow's controversial lifestyle site, Goop.But are these health benefits real?"It's not a surprise to me that anything a celebrity or an influencer with lots of followers would mention would get a lot of attention," Lisa Drayer, a registered dietitian who writes about nutrition for CNN, said of the celery juice trend.Celery certainly has health benefits, according to Drayer. "There are some beneficial flavonoids that have been discovered in celery that have been shown to perhaps play a role in reducing inflammation in the brain or reducing age-related memory decline," she said.Celery also provides a healthy dose of fiber, as well as vitamins C and K and potassium, and it is a very low-calorie snack."A 5-inch stalk has only three calories, so that's very low-calorie. A cup of chopped celery has only 20 calories," she said. But turning it into juice can change this.📷What are the benefits of coconut water?"Any time you concentrate a vegetable or a fruit, it's going to be higher in sugars and carbohydrates and calories," Drayer said. A cup of juiced celery jumps to 42 calories."I'm much more likely to recommend celery as a snack. It's crunchy, it's low-calorie, and it will fill you up," Drayer said. In fact, she often advises it this for people who are trying to lose weight.Research around the benefits of celery and celery juice is limited, she noted, and we "really can't say there's anything magical about celery that's going to help cure cancer or help you to quickly shed pounds."Juicing celery has other drawbacks beyond raising the calorie count."Juicing celery (and any other vegetable) strips away the beneficial fiber that helps you feel fuller longer, improves intestinal health and feeds the health bacteria in your gut," Malina Malkani, registered dietitian nutritionist and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, wrote in an email.📷Celery juice does lend itself to "gorgeous" social media images.Although she agrees that there are several health benefits to eating celery, she also agrees that there is little evidence to back up the claims made by some supporters of the juice trend."There isn't much scientific evidence to support the majority of health claims about drinking celery juice," she said. "In general, if a food fad, diet or service sounds too good to be true, you can assume that it is."There's something else about celery juice that could explain its popularity on social media: "The beautiful green color of celery juice also lends itself to gorgeous photos in an Instagram feed," said Malkani, who is also creator of the Wholitarian Lifestyle, which promotes foods that "are nutrient-dense, minimally processed, plant-based and as close as possible to their original state when first harvested." However, she pointed out that this doesn't mean there is evidence behind the health claims.Neither Drayer nor Malkani thinks that drinking celery juice is problematic, but they stress that it is probably not a miracle cure."If you enjoy the flavor of celery juice, have at it!" Malkani said. "But don't jump on the Instagram bandwagon, hoping that celery juice will be the cure-all you've been searching for all your life."Get CNN Health's weekly newsletter

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Both suggest that celery should be eaten as part of a balanced and inclusive diet and that everyone should be wary of celebrity-endorsed food trends."In general, just because a celebrity is touting a food or a beverage for particular reasons doesn't mean it's backed by sound science, even beyond celery juice," Drayer said. "What I always tell people is that there's no one magical food or beverage that will be able to totally make over your health or cure an illness."

Aloe vera is a natural plant with soothing and healing properties that can be beneficial for treating acne and promoting overall skin health. Here's how aloe vera can help with acne:

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Aloe vera contains compounds like acemannan and anthraquinones, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Acne is often accompanied by redness and inflammation, and applying aloe vera can help reduce these symptoms.

  2. Antibacterial Effects: Aloe vera also has natural antibacterial properties, which can be useful in preventing and treating acne. It can help kill or inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria on the skin.

  3. Moisturization: Despite its antibacterial properties, aloe vera is not overly drying, which is essential for maintaining skin health. It provides hydration without clogging pores, making it suitable for various skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin.

  4. Scar Healing: Aloe vera can aid in the healing process of acne scars and blemishes. It promotes the regeneration of skin tissue and can help reduce the appearance of scars over time.

  5. Reduction of Skin Irritation: Aloe vera has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin, which can alleviate the discomfort and irritation often associated with acne breakouts.

To use aloe vera for acne:

  1. Select a High-Quality Aloe Vera Gel: Choose a pure, natural aloe vera gel or extract from a reputable source, or you can extract the gel directly from an aloe vera plant if you have one.

  2. Cleanse Your Face: Start with a clean face. Gently wash your face with a mild cleanser and pat it dry.

  3. Apply Aloe Vera Gel: Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel directly to the affected areas or your entire face, depending on your needs.

  4. Leave it On: Allow the aloe vera gel to absorb into your skin. There's no need to rinse it off unless you find it uncomfortable or sticky.

  5. Use as Needed: You can apply aloe vera gel to your skin once or twice a day, as part of your skincare routine.

  6. Patch Test: Before using aloe vera extensively, it's a good idea to do a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions.

While aloe vera can be a helpful addition to your acne skincare routine, it may not be a standalone solution for severe acne. For more persistent or severe acne issues, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist for a comprehensive treatment plan that may include prescription medications or other interventions tailored to your specific skin condition.

Are you a fan of celery juice? How do you incorporate it in your daily routine?

Something green a day, may keep the doctors away

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